The boat, motor and trailer was purchased brand new as a package from Barcrusher in Dandenong. The boat was built in December 2010 and I took delivery of it two days before Christmas. The engine had 305.7 hrs last service and has probably done another 10-12 hrs since. The motor has never missed a beat and had a new pump impellor fitted as part of the last service.
Bar Crusher 610CSuzuki 140hp DF140TX with SS prop
Easytow tandem tralier with alloy wheels plus spare and Bar catch fitted
Stress free Anchor winch with Sarca anchor
Rocket launcher with anchor and deck lights
Ballast FlapTrim Tabs
Bunk cushions with infill
Privacy curtain
Roof awning sunshade (removable)Deck wash and bilge pump
Plumbed livewell
Bait board with rod holders
Berley Bucket and muncher
Lowrance HDS7 /Chart plotter (Navionics card)Lowrance Elite 7 with sidescan
Dual batteries with solar trickle charger
Marine VHF radio (GME VHF GX600B)