To see our extensive range of plants, click on “HORSESHOE DR NURSERY” link at right hand side of page.


Our range includes (subject to seasonal availability): Acmena Allyn Magic, Agapanthus, Azalea Shirazz & Assorted, Bird of Paradise Strelitzia Reginae, Bottle Brush Callistemon, Bougainvillea Bambino, Brunfelsia Latifolia Yesterday Today & Tomorrow, Buckinghamia Ivory Curl Flower, Camellia Sasanqua & Japonica General, China Pink Loropetalum Chinense Rubrum, Chinese Star Jasmine, Cordyline Rubra, Cupaniopsis Anarcardioides Tuckeroo, Gardenia Augusta Florida & Radicans, Grevillea Ned Kelly, Golden Penda, Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepsis Intermedia, Lavender, Syzygium austral Lilly Pilly Cascade, Lilly Pilly Resilience Syzygium austral, Lilly Pilly Superior Psyllid Free Selection, Lilly Pilly Topiary, Liriope, Little Dugold Metrosideros, Lomandra Hystrix, Magnolia Little Gem, Mini Mondo Grass Dwarf, Murraya Mock Orange Paniculata, Nandina domestica Pygmaea Nana, Nandina Blush, Osmocote, Pencil Pines Clauca, Nitschkes Needle, Conifer Spartan, Thuja Smaragd, Thuja Morgan, Conifer Blue Point, Conifer Blue Ice, Conifer Squamata Ground Cover & Bonsai, Philodendron Xanadu, Photinia Red Robin, Radermachera Summer Scent, Tibouchina Jazzie, Umbrella Dwarf Madam De Smet, Variegated Ginger, Viburnum, Westringia Zena.


Open Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm. Closed weekends and public holidays. Orders can be picked up after hours by appointment and subject to orders being paid for in full at least 24 hours prior to pick-up.


Freight can be arranged for South East Qld and some of NSW (minimum freight charges do apply).


We have individual listings for most plants currently available so check them out by clicking on HORSESHOE DR NURSERY link at right hand side of listing or scroll down to bottom of listing on this page and click on “SEE ALL ADS FOR THIS SELLER”.